Jun 30, 2012

3rd Stop- Phuket (a re-visit!)

I visited Phuket from Perth, just a 2 week trip.  I taught yoga, practiced yoga, and enjoyed a fresh coconut each day.
I also learned what it feels like to teach an entire group of people who don’t speak English!  Phuket has travelers from all over the world and sometimes it was hard to tell if they understood or not as they often stared blankly at me!  Many students there were trying Bikram yoga for the first time and with classes often being very small, they had no one in front of them to watch.  I had to demonstrate sometimes and also point to a body part that needs to move and clap to indicate beginning/end of postures!  All the more reason to go back to the basics of teaching!  I also visited my old school where I taught English and saw all my old students (they remembered me- yay!).   They are 5 years old now I can’t believe it!   I saw lots of old friends and revisited favorite places.  I almost didn’t spend the money to return to Phuket because a part of me says there’s no time to return anywhere until I’ve seen everything but I disagree with that now.  If you really connect with a place, it is well worth seeing again!  And a great place to be a yoga teacher!

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